Paris in Autumn
Its been a while since I wrote a post. I've been consumed with my shop keeping duties. I was meant to be 'popping up' for just a month. This extended to two, but we are finally closing next Saturday. I have lots of plans for Vintage Style Hire so need to get cracking on with those. If you can visit, I would love to see you. We are open Wed-Sat 10-4pm, I'll be having a BIG clearance sale, so why not?

Between working in the shop and my day job, there isn't much free time!. We have always tried to get away for our wedding anniversary and this year was extra special - we've been married for 18 years! That is a whole human!
We got engaged in Paris in February 1997. We stayed at Hotel Esmerelda directly opposite Notre Dame. My husband wrote 'Will You Marry Me' with my Lipstick in the bathroom mirror. A little peturbed it was my expensive lipstick, but overlooked that to write 'Yes'! It's hard to believe we've never been back, we thought 18 years was worthy of a visit.

Happy 18th Annivesary Mr F! x